
User Guide


1. Add a To-Do task: todo

2. Add an Event task: event

3. Add a Deadline task: deadline

4. List all tasks: list

5. Delete a task: delete

6. Mark task as done: done

7. Find tasks: find

8. Postpone / snooze tasks: snooze


1. todo - Adds a To-Do task.

Adds a To-Do task into the task list.

Example of usage:

todo CS2103 Assignment

Expected outcome:

Understood. I have added: [T] CS2103 Assignment 0
Number of items in the list: 1

2. event - Adds an Event task.

Adds an Event task into the task list.

Format: event task_name /at date

Note: Date format (YYYY-MM-DD)

Example of usage:

event Temperature Taking /at 2020-03-03

Expected outcome:

Understood. I have added: [E] Temperature Taking 0 (at: Mar 3 2020)
Number of items in the list: 2

3. deadline - Adds a Deadline task.

Adds a Deadline task into the task list.

Format: deadline task_name /by date

Note: Date format (YYYY-MM-DD)

Example of usage:

deadline Individual Project /by 2020-02-27

Expected outcome:

Understood. I have added: [D] Individual Project 0 (by: Feb 27 2020)
Number of items in the list: 3

4. list - Lists all tasks.

Lists all tasks in the task list.

Format: list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

These items are in your list.
1.[T] CS2103 Assignment 0
2.[E] Temperature Taking 0 (at: Mar 3 2020)
3.[D] Individual Project 0 (by: Feb 27 2020)

5. delete - Deletes a task.

Deletes one of the tasks in the task list.

Format: delete task_number

Example of usage:

delete 3

Expected outcome:

[D] Individual Project 0 (by: Feb 27 2020) has been removed.
Number of items in list: 2

6. done - Marks a task as done.

Marks one of the tasks in the task list as done.

Format: done task_number

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

You have completed this task.
[T] CS2103 Assignment 1

Find all tasks related to the keyword provided by the user.

Format: find keyword

Example of usage:

find Assignment

Expected outcome:

These are the tasks that matched what you were looking for.
These items are in your list:
1.[T] CS2103 Assignment 1

8. Snooze

snooze - Snooze/postpone a task.

Postpone a task by a set number of days.

Format: snooze task_number number_of_days

Example of usage:

snooze 2 2

Expected outcome:

[E] Temperature Taking 0 (at: Mar 5 2020) has been snoozed for 2 days.